Leadership Seedbed


Leadership Seedbed


Leadership Seedbed

Alianza Americas created the project “Leadership Seedbed” seeking to strengthen youth leadership within our member organizations, particularly in Illinois, in order to promote transnational work and understand youth training needs through virtual tools. The project includes two virtual delegations to Central America and Mexico, which bring our member organizations closer to the lived realities of the region’s countries. The delegations will include meetings with experts, activists, and leaders in the field.

This project will happen in three sessions that will take place on October 28, November 4 and 11 as follows:

  • October 28: virtual delegation meeting to Central America
  • November 4: virtual delegation meeting to Mexico
    November 11: evaluation meeting and plans for continuation of work.

Seeds of leadership: strengthening youth leadership with a transnational perspective

In the last few weeks, Alianza Americas hosted a virtual delegation “Semillero de Líderes” (“seeds of leadership”), focused on bolstering youth leadership in our member organizations based in Illinois, United States. The delegation consisted of three virtual sessions aimed at strengthening youth leadership through a transnational perspective, providing a space for youth leaders from community organizations in Illinois to learn about and reflect on political and social challenges in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico.

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For more information about sponsorship opportunities, contact Dulce Dominguez at ddominguez@alianzaamericas.org

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