19 de diciembre de 2023 — En medio de las actuales negociaciones en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, el Partido Republicano ha condicionado su apoyo a un paquete de ayuda a Ucrania a la aprobación de medidas antiinmigración. Intercambiar el apoyo a Ucrania a costa del asilo y de las personas inmigrantes en EE. UU. es inaceptable.
Le invitamos a expresar su indignación y rechazo a estas medidas llamando y enviando un correo a los senadores de su estado, a sus representantes de distrito y al presidente Biden.
Le sugerimos que considere enviar o leer mensajes en inglés, como el siguiente:
My name is [XXXXXX]. I am [TITLE OR ROLE] of [YOUR ORGANIZATION], an organization that works for [YOUR COMMUNITY].
I am calling to express our greatest concern with the negotiations on the aid for Ukraine. Immigrant communities are the core of the U.S. nation, we are the fabric of American society. Exchanging support for Ukraine at the expense of asylum and immigrants in the U.S. is unacceptable. Peace and Security is not achieved with military power only, it is also the result of offering protection to those in need.
The U.S. must set the example that there are non-negotiable international obligations and commitments. Limiting asylum and deporting immigrants hurt our values as a Nation, our communities, and our families. This is an unacceptable deal.
The U.S. is supposed to be a country of safety, particularly for children. We are a country of immigrants, and no deal should be made at the expense of those seeking safety or living in the U.S.
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