What is Alianza Americas?

Alianza Americas is a unique network of Latin American and Caribbean migrant-led organizations. Our mission is to foster an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable way of life for communities in the U.S. and our countries of origin.

Our main Issue Areas

Our work is dedicated to three main programmatic axes, each aimed at significantly improving the realities of migrants in the U.S. and Latin America.

Line of action
Systemic Inequities
Alianza Americas is committed to confronting the structural inequities that affect the communities where our members work. These inequities present significant barriers to the democratic process and social equality and threaten the health and well-being of the folks we work with day by day. We also recognize that this struggle presents us with great opportunities to strengthen the capacity for critical analysis, leadership, and advocacy among our members.As an organization comprising a network of grassroots organizations led by and serving immigrants of Latin American origin, we recognize that the history of efforts to maintain white supremacy have led to systemic inequities related to gender, race, ethnicities, language,  economic conditions, and social class. These intersectional factors are fundamental in defining our work in addressing structural inequities and building democracy and well-being. We structure our work around three fundamental goals which we see as pivotal to our work.
Confronting structural inequities and building social justice
Line of action
Immigrant Justice
Alianza Americas is deeply committed to promoting and safeguarding the human rights of migrants, including the right to migrate. Through our migrant justice work, we advance public education efforts to shed light on the challenges, triumphs, and needs of migrants and their families in the United States and in their countries of origin. We work towards ensuring that migrants and their families can establish deep roots in a safe and dignified manner in the places that they call home by advancing public education, advocacy, and narrative campaigns that are migrant centered.
Organized Migrants for Human Rights
Line of action
Climate Justice
The planet's deterioration in its capacity to sustain life is now an existential threat, impacting communities worldwide. Destructive, extractive, and exploitative economic practices over the past two centuries have led to ecological degradation, disproportionately affecting the Americas. This environmental degradation is a key to understanding human mobility and is reshaping migration in unprecedented ways. Alianza America's climate and environmental justice efforts prioritize racial and economic equity and empower migrant and rural displaced communities as leaders in the climate movement.
Humanizing Climate Justice

What we're doing

Read about our latest actions.

Nos Conectamos
The Internet is a lifeline and a gateway to opportunity. We believe that digital connectivity must be accessible, affordable, reliable, and equitable. As Latino and migrant communities continue to grow, we demand that access to the internet grows as well. Nos Conectamos is a digital equity project through which Alianza Americas seeks to ensure that migrant communities of Latin American and Caribbean origin are empowered with digital literacy skills necessary to bridge the digital divide to improve health, economic and cultural outcomes.
During the last decades, especially during the last five years, migrants are associated with detention, criminalization and family separation. Leaders, forced to migrate to the United States, and allies share what freedom means to them, and question the discourses associated with migrant communities.
Leadership Institute
For Alianza Americas, Leadership Development is critical to our mission and vision of creating a more equitable and sustainable world for Latin American and Caribbean immigrants. Our leadership programs have taken many forms over the years, evolving in response to the changing political landscape, new generations of immigrant leaders, and the needs of our communities. In its original form, the leadership program was a series of workshops that were brought directly to our member organizations in their respective states and communities, consisting of skill building in the areas of critical thinking, media training, advocacy, and develop an understanding of a transnational perspective.
Central America Relief Fund
Organizations in Central America have been working hard to recover from the heavy impact of hurricanes Eta and Iota. Make a donation today and join the hundreds of people acting in solidarity with our communities.

What we're saying

Read more about our topics.

Press Release
12th Anniversary of DACA Marks Uncertainty and Fear for 530,000 Recipients
June 14, 2024
Arms trafficking and gender violence in Mexico
May 24, 2024
100 days later: Is Honduras moving forward?
May 24, 2024
Collective Motherhood
May 24, 2024

Our members

Our membership is the reason we exist. We are committed to responding to the needs of the organizations of our membership and to building spaces focused on collective analysis, advocacy actions, and responding to the needs of our communities. Our member organizations inform and drive our transnational vision and mission.

Comunidades Sin Fronteras Connecticut
A community center whose mission is to support immigrants with matters related to labor rights through organizing, advocacy, education, leadership training, capacity building, civic participation, and policy analysis. We promote the exercise of our community’s civil and human rights and a more just society for all.
Women Working Together USA
Women Working Together USA is an organization of working women, mostly domestic workers, who seek to empower other women through education. The women of WWT are a multicultural group that seeks to highlight the values ​​of each member, converging with the society they comprise.
Wind of the Spirit
At Wind of the Spirit, they aim to ensure justice and inclusion for immigrant communities through community organizing and advocacy, legal services, and health and safety initiatives. These services are available to all who hope to further their cause.
We Count!
WeCount! is a non-profit organization of immigrant workers and families in South Florida, including agricultural workers, construction workers, and domestic workers. They are fighting for better living and working conditions in Miami-Dade, Florida.
United for a Fair Economy (UFE)
United for a Fair Economy is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that supports social movements working for a resilient, sustainable and equitable economy. They believe that uniting people is the first step in creating the change our world needs.
The Welcome Immigrant Network (WIN!)
The Welcome Immigrant Network (WIN!) works to create social change and empower immigrant communities by validating the immigrant experience while providing orientation, advocacy, and support.
Telpochcalli Community Education Project
The mission of the Telpochcalli Community Education Project (TCEP) is to mobilize youth and adults for social justice work by building individual capacity, collective power, and mutual responsibility through culturally relevant and community-directed education, leadership development, and organizing.
St Brigid's Casa Mary Johanna
Casa Mary Johanna is a project of St. Brigid’s Church in Westbury, NY. St. Brigid’s Parish has a long and proud history of responding to the needs of the local immigrant populations. Casa Mary Johanna provides services and programs to serve the community as ESL Instruction; Children and Youth Programs; and Advocacy among others.

Make a Difference, Together.

Contribute to our cause and help us build a better future for immigrants of Latin American and Caribbean origin.