
Bienestar: Estar Bien

Moving toward justice in mental health and emotional well-being for all people.


Bienestar: Estar Bien

Moving toward justice in mental health and emotional well-being for all people.

The Bienestar: Estar Bien project was born out of our network's response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and what we learned in the process. Considering the enormous health inequities and disproportionate impacts of certain health conditions on Latin American-origin families in the United States, we began to offer workshops and spaces for reflection and learning about mental health for the people who collaborated as health promoters in our Somos Salud project. The present project seeks to go deeper into the matter, conducting outreach and education with community members in the areas of Chicago where our members work.

The primary goal of the project is to address the lack of trustworthy information as well as misinformation and stigma surrounding these issues through educational activities with small groups of people. The second goal is to gather information about available services and resources that are culturally and linguistically appropriate for the immigrant community of Latin American origin in the Chicago area. This is done with the intention of orienting and connecting people to the help they need at the right time.


  • Coordinate with Alianza Americas member organizations within Chicago to implement this project by recruiting individuals and sharing resources.
  • Create a Resource Guide and distribute it to our partners and community members to inform them about mental health and wellness resources and services available around Chicago.
  • Identify and analyze the needs and experiences of people of Latin American descent in Chicago with respect to mental health and emotional wellness.
  • Conduct monthly workshops on mental health and wellness issues among community members.
  • Guide interested individuals to the professional mental health and wellness services and provide support if desired to reach out for needed help.
  • Share observations and best practices about the Latin American community in Chicago with the Department of Health and the provider community in the region.

Meet our partners

Bienestar: Estar Bien is a collaborative project with Centro Romero and Centro San Bonifacio, grassroots organizations that serve the immigrant community in Chicago and are part of the Alianza Americas membership. Learn more about these organizations in the videos below.

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