Cindy Garcia

Cindy Garcia, originally from Fort Worth, Texas, is an advocate for immigrant rights in Alabama and nationally. She lived in Salinas de Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, during her childhood and adolescence. During her years in Mexico, she was part of the social work that her parents and family did in their community, which inspired her to advocate for those most in need. Cindy's journey for social justice in the United States began in 2011 during the implementation of House Bill 56, one of the cruelest laws against the immigrant community in Alabama. Garcia co-founded the Alabama Migrant Movement, which supported growing leadership and education on immigrant rights. Cindy also fights to defend the rights of women, victims, and survivors of domestic violence. As a survivor of domestic abuse, during her professional career, she has developed new initiatives to support and provide resources to women with the same story. Cindy currently works at AIDS Alabama, where she is responsible for creating a safe space and advocating for Latinos living with HIV. Garcia also participates with collective groups of Mexican leaders to promote binational workspaces and meet the needs of women from different migration contexts. Her extensive work with the Latino community in Mexico and the United States has allowed her to see change in her community, but her fight continues. She is motivated to continue in the fight and advocacy to be a role model for her daughter Valeria and future generations.