
Freedom for All

Caja de Herramientas

March, 2022

Alianza Americas, together with its member organizations, and, invite you to join the Freedom for All campaign to call on the U.S. government to end the detention of migrants and increase funding to ensure the right to legal representation for people facing deportation proceedings.

The detention of migrants is an inhumane response to a humanitarian problem. Migrants face constant and pervasive mental, physical and sexual abuse within the detention apparatus. Funds spent on detention beds could be invested in immigrant communities, including legal counsel, housing, health, transportation, education and other programs to support families.

Following President Biden’s inauguration, his administration signed an executive order to end the use of private prisons for people in federal criminal custody, but this does not apply to immigration detention centers. In addition, private prison corporations are already finding loopholes to keep their facilities open and convert them into immigration detention centers for ICE.

Through the first phase of the Freedom for All campaign, we seek to challenge the current toxic narratives associated with migrant communities and remind the U.S. government that it urgently needs to ensure freedom for all people by abolishing immigration detention and redirecting funds used for private prisons.

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