
It’s time to repeal IIRIRA!

25 Years of IIRIRA

October, 2021 – Alianza Americas, its member organizations throughout the U.S., and invite you to join our call to inform our communities about the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), a racist and xenophobic law. Over the past 25 years, IIRIRA has created a wide range of difficulties for immigrants, in addition to strengthening the mass detention and deportation apparatus that has destroyed millions of families. Join us and share this infographic across your social media channels so that others join our call to repeal IIRIRA.

Below you will find instructions for how to download* the infographics to post on Instagram and Facebook and a video to post on Twitter with sample messages.



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Copy and paste the sample messages and publish with the infographics. The infographics are in numerical order in the google drive folder where you can download the images. Be sure to publish the infographics in numerical order.

#IIRIRA enabled the creation of the mass detention and deportation apparatus we have today and it’s time to repeal it!

25 years ago, former President Clinton signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) into law that has destroyed millions of families. For over two decades this xenophobic law has strengthened the collaboration between local police and immigration agents, it has expanded the grounds for deportation, and has allowed due process to be eliminated for many immigrants. It’s time Congress fix our immigration laws so that they reflect our reality: immigrants –– be it asylum seekers, refugees or migrants –– have been a blessing to the nation.


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Copy and paste the sample messages and publish with the video.

It’s time to repeal #IIRIRA! This xenophobic law signed 25 yrs ago by Pres. Clinton expands the grounds for deportation & eliminates due process for many immigrants. Congress must fix our immigration laws so they reflect our reality: immigrants have been a blessing to our nation.


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Copy and paste the sample messages and publish with the infographics. The infographics are in numerical order in the google drive folder where you can download the images. Be sure to publish the infographics in numerical order.

#IIRIRA enabled the creation of the mass detention and deportation apparatus we have today!

It’s been 25 years since former President Clinton signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) that has destroyed millions of families. Congress has failed to meaningfully address the harms caused by this white supremacist and xenophic. It’s time Congress fix our immigration laws so that they reflect our reality: immigrants –– be it asylum seekers, refugees or migrants –– have been a blessing to the nation.

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