
Report: Protect TPS Holders where they live And work: Actions at the state level

While TPS doesnot provide a path to lawful permanent residency, the people who have been inthe United States for nearly two decades under TPS have settled and contributedto the communities that welcomed them.

November 1,2019 - For 20 years, the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program has granted workauthorization and protection from deportation to individuals from designatedcountries where armed conflict, environmental disaster, or other extraordinaryconditions prevent them from safely returning to their home countries.Currently, around 325,000 individuals are protected under TPS. While TPS doesnot provide a path to lawful permanent residency, the people who have been inthe United States for nearly two decades under TPS have settled and contributedto the communities that welcomed them. Many TPS holders have children who areUnited States citizens, and those families live with trauma and uncertainty dueto the possibility of family separation after TPS cancelations.

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