Fact Sheet

What measures does the "Mexico Te Abraza" plan include to support its deported or repatriated population?

The Mexican government presented the "México Te Abraza" (Mexico Embraces You) plan, a strategy designed to receive and support Mexican nationals deported from the United States and in response to the immigration measures undertaken by the new U.S. administration.

This program seeks to guarantee a dignified transition and offer reintegration opportunities to repatriated Mexican nationals, with a focus on social inclusion, access to essential services, and economic stability.

The three components of the strategy are:

  • Consular assistance and protection, with the support of United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations.
  • Reception and support will be provided in the six border states, where care centers will be set up.
  • Reintegration to meet basic needs through social service days and incorporation into employment and welfare programs.

Improvements to consular services

The "Mexico Embraces You" plan includes strengthening the services of the 53 Mexican Consulates in the United States and creating the ConsulApp application, which is designed to inform the nearest Consulate when Mexican migrants are apprehended. 

The plan also includes the reinforcement of the Center for Information and Assistance to Mexican Persons (CIAM), which provides 24-hour service, seven days a week, through the 520 623 7874 number for calls made from the U.S. and the 001 520 623 7874 number for calls made from Mexico.

Initial care at the reception centers

To attend deported or repatriated persons, the Mexican government announced the construction of nine reception centers along the northern border: Baja California (Tijuana and Mexicali), Sonora (Nogales), Chihuahua (Ciudad Juarez), Coahuila (Nueva Rosita), Nuevo Leon (El Carmen) and Tamaulipas (Matamoros, Reynosa and Nuevo Laredo).

These facilities will include the participation of 18 federal government agencies, which will carry out Social Services Days to assist deportees. The plan also includes the support of the local governments along the northern border, who will provide key services such as cleaning, garbage collection, installation of toilets, supply of drinking water and electricity, support in reception and logistics, and security. In addition, 189 buses will be available for transportation from the reception points at the border to the nine care centers, plus a fleet of 100 buses to facilitate their transportation to their states of origin.

Economic and social support

One of the main tools will be the Bienestar Paisano Card, which will provide 2,000 Mexican pesos (approx. $100) to cover immediate expenses, such as transportation to their communities. The requirements for obtaining this card will be announced in the coming days.

Deportees will be able to enroll in federal government programs:

  • Pension for the Elderly and the Disabled.
  • Sembrando Vida and other rural development programs.
  • Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro, which offers paid learning opportunities.
  • Educational scholarships, from high school to university level.
  • Housing support and affiliation to Banco del Bienestar.

Access to health and social security

The plan also includes the immediate incorporation of deported persons and their families into the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), ensuring access to the five insurance policies included in the law:

  • Medical, pharmaceutical, and hospital care for illness, maternity, or occupational hazards.
  • Disability, old age, and unemployment pensions.
  • Daycare and recreational activities for children.

Reintegration and employment

The government will seek agreements with Mexican companies to link deportees to formal employment. In addition, assistance will be provided to process documents such as the Unique Population Registration Number (CURP in Spanish), facilitating their integration into economic and social activities in the country.

Long-term challenges

While the plan addresses initial reception, long-term reintegration challenges remain unresolved. Many deportees may choose to settle in large cities rather than return to their home communities due to violence and lack of opportunities in their places of origin.

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