
2024 Elections: Vote for you. Vote for yours

All of us, regardless of our immigration status, can make our voices heard in these upcoming elections


2024 Elections: Vote for you. Vote for yours

All of us, regardless of our immigration status, can make our voices heard in these upcoming elections

For the 2024 elections in the United States, the population of Latin American origin is the largest minority group of voters. From November 2020 to 2024, the number of people of Latin American origin eligible to vote increased from 32.3 million to 36.2 million

In these elections, let us assert our rights and participate in deciding the direction of our country. All of us, regardless of our immigration status, can make our voices heard in these upcoming elections. If you are eligible to vote, do it thinking of all the families and people who contribute to our well-being: people who work in the fields to grow our food, health care workers, and the people who care for our children in schools. Voting is the most practical way to fight for policies and laws that benefit the economy, well-being, and unity of our families. If you can't vote, there are ways you can participate civically. 

Reliable and verified information is key. Alianza Americas and its member organizations in the United States invite you to be part of the electoral process next November 2024. In this space, we will be sharing resources encouraging you to vote and make your voice heard. You will also find resources from partner organizations and media outlets with information explaining the electoral process, how to register to vote, and how to vote in key states.


Five ways you can participate in the U.S. Elections if you are not a U.S. Citizen


You became a U.S. citizen. Now, how can you vote?

You now have one of the most powerful tools to improve your community and ensure a better future for your loved ones: THE RIGHT TO VOTE.

Download graphics here

What you need to know about the 2024 elections

Get a comparison guide of the candidates for the presidential elections

Register to vote

In the United States, you must register to vote. Deadlines for registering to vote are set by each state. Below are some websites where you can look up the information for your state.

Explanation of the U.S. electoral process

Did you know that in the United States, the popular vote does not define the winner of the election, but rather a group of electors choose who will lead the White House after considering the votes of the citizens? 


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