
Forced migration or displacement due to climate change and environmental degradation

Climate and environmental degradation generate forced migration and displacement


Forced migration or displacement due to climate change and environmental degradation

Climate and environmental degradation generate forced migration and displacement

The impact of climate change and environmental degradation, resulting from extractive and productive activities that destroy ecosystems and make it impossible for indigenous, Afro-descendant, and farming communities to survive, is one of the factors driving people from their places of residence. Sudden and slow-evolving climatic events and the inexistence or ineffectiveness of mitigation and adaptation plans make sustenance impossible, particularly for those who face conditions of vulnerability.

In these situations, forced internal displacement is often the first option. However, the absence of robust local integration programs pushes people out again, resulting in forced migration or international displacement. The absence of avenues to migrate in an authorized manner and find protection increases the initial conditions of vulnerability.


Alianza Americas works to:

  • Raise awareness of the impact of climate change and environmental degradation on migration, with emphasis on communities and people facing conditions of vulnerability.
  • Advocate for the development of adequate and sufficient mitigation and adaptation plans and projects that consider social and cultural factors, and that allow for the preservation of communities, their languages, cultures, traditions, and territories, making effective the right to remain or not be forced to move.
  • Advocate for the development of pathways and options for authorized migration or local integration in situations of internal displacement for those who cannot remain in their places of residence because their livelihoods are threatened.


As a result of our work we have been able to convene and participate in:

  • Face-to-face or virtual events organized to explain, analyze and discuss the impact of climate change and environmental degradation on forced migration or displacement.
  • Spaces and forums for discussion at the national, regional and global levels to insist on the development of mitigation and adaptation plans and programs, and comprehensive strategies to respond to internal displacement, as part of strategies to address the root causes of migration.
  • Spaces and forums for discussion at national, regional and global levels to advocate for the creation of pathways for the regular migration of people migrating as a result of climate change and environmental degradation, which also recognize their protection needs.

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