
#NoGananSinMigrantes Forum

The goal of this forum was to strengthen the role of migrants-led organizations as key actors, committed to their country of origin and interested in participating in its elections.


#NoGananSinMigrantes Forum

The goal of this forum was to strengthen the role of migrants-led organizations as key actors, committed to their country of origin and interested in participating in its elections.


May 4, 2018

During the 2018 Mexican presidential elections, Alianza Americas led a delegation of Mexican migrant organizations interested in exchanging ideas with presidential candidates. With this aim, we convened a Candidate Forum in Mexico City with “Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas” (CIDE), “Iniciativa Ciudadana”, “Instituto de Investigación y Práctica Social y Cultural” (IIPSOCULTA) and “Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad Morelia” (ENES UNAM).

The goal of this forum was to strengthen the role of migrants-led organizations as key actors, committed to their country of origin and interested in participating in its elections.

Participating organizations included Sin Fronteras México, Red Mexicana de Líderes y Organizaciones Migrantes, Frente Indigena de Organizaciones Binacionales L.A, Club Nueva Visión de Cheranástico, Federación México Americana Sin Fronteras Inc., Community Estrella, and Living Hope Wheelchair Association.

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