Press Release

VIRTUAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Federal Lawsuit Aims to Hold DeSantis Accountable for Fraudulent Transporting of Migrants

September 20, 2022
Press Release

VIRTUAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Federal Lawsuit Aims to Hold DeSantis Accountable for Fraudulent Transporting of Migrants

September 20, 2022

VIRTUAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Federal Lawsuit Aims to Hold DeSantis Accountable for Fraudulent Transporting of Migrants

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September 20, 2022
Elyssa Pachico | +1 503 347 23 29 |
Mynellies Negrón | (703) 585-6727 |

WHAT: Virtual press conference with Lawyers for Civil Rights and Alianza Americas, after the organizations filed a lawsuit on September 20 (access the complaint here) accusing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the State of Florida of deliberately tricking a group of nearly 50 people to board a plane from Sant Antonio to Martha’s Vineyard. This is a moment for local and federal officials to step up as humanitarian leaders in addressing migration, not to engage in provocative trolling and lies as a substitute for viable policies.


Alianza Americas

Lawyers for Civil Rights

WHEN: Sep 21, 2022 12 p.m. EST / 11:00 a.m. CT / 9 a.m. PST

WHERE: Register on Zoom here.

This event will be held in English with Spanish interpretation on Zoom

Chicago, Illinois — Alianza Americas, a coalition of 53 migrant-led organizations fighting for equitable policies in 18 states, and Lawyers for Civil Rights will host a virtual press conference this Wednesday, September 21, in order to describe the scope of their recently filed lawsuit against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the State of Florida, and the national response so far as elected officials continue to use migrants as political pawns in the bus stunts.

“No human being should be used as a political pawn in the nation’s highly polarized debate over immigration,” said Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal, executive director of Lawyers for Civil Rights.

“For the governor of Florida to cynically use recently arrived immigrants who have applied for asylum in the U.S., to advance a hate-driven agenda intended to create confusion and rejection throughout the country, is not only morally despicable, but utterly contrary to the best traditions of humanitarian protection embraced by most Americans,” said Oscar Chacón, Alianza Americas’ executive director. “That is why we have taken the step to legally challenge what we view not only as a morally reprehensible action, but what we believe is also illegal,” added Chacón.

“We want to do everything we can to prevent more abuses against newly arrived immigrants, especially asylum seekers who deserve support, protection, and to be recognized for the incredible contributions they make to the U.S., as well as their loved ones in their home countries,” said Chacón.


Alianza Americas is the premier transnational advocacy network of Latin American migrant-led organizations working in the United States, across the Americas, and globally to create an inclusive, equitable and sustainable way of life for communities across North, Central and South America. Alianza’s digital organizing powerhouse is


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